Apple Music could be coming to Android platform soon

Apple’s music streaming service , Apple Music is said to be making its way to Android platform. With attracting around 15 million people using the service during the free trial, the platform will cut off the trial use this week on the 30th of September, the platform aims to expand with subscription fees onwards.

According to a recent report from TechAeris, Apple has started sending out beta invites for Apple Music to Android device owners. The email was sent out to members of a service for beta testers called Betabound and you can see what was said about Apple’s music streaming service below.

We’re excited to invite you to come test Apple Music for Android. If you’re a current Android user that would like to join the beta for the new music streaming service, you won’t want to miss this opportunity. To learn more and apply, click the link below. Best of luck! The Betabound team.

This would suggest that Apple,intends to start beta testing Apple Music on Google’s Android platform shortly.

It will be interesting to see how many paid subscribers apple manages to convert to its new music streaming service when the trial ends later this week, Apple is said to have had around 15 million people using the service during the free trial.


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